The Balloon Master By: Dillon Romano

One day the balloon master saw a sign that said,” the bully went missing , $1,000,000 reward if you catch him and bring him back to THE HEADQUARTERS of SPACE.” When the balloon master saw this sign he said,” If I catch the bully I will buy BILLIONS of balloons!!!


When the master got home he started his nightly work out of blowing up one hundred balloons in one minute, then went to bed.


When he woke up in the morning, there were only 7 balloons left. He wondered why? So that same day before he went to bed, he set up security cameras all around his house. He blew up 100 more balloons for a trap to catch whoever is popping his balloons. In the middle of the night the balloon master woke up and heard a person popping his balloons. He rushed out to the front hall and trapped the popper in a big balloon then blew it up. “I caught him, I knew it was the Bully!” The balloon master wazed mars to THE SPACE HEADQUARTERS (THE SUN) It said 25 minutes. He rushed through space traffic and got to the headquarters. The Balloon Master sent him to jail which is in the sun, where he would melt that day. He had a party and blew up 1,000,000 balloons.




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